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About SolutionXplus

SolutionXplus matches innovation with government contracts. We provide a variety of different solutions including an innovative product and software broker service. This department enables technology that’s applicable to both the private and government at different levels.

Our work also includes net support guidance and management for standing offer contracts like software licensing supply arrangements.

We also help you apply for and secure contracts from the Testing Stream Program through Innovation Solutions and Canada (ISC) or Horizon Europe grants through the European Union (EU). Our experienced team can help you move your innovative goods and services from the design and laboratory stage to the marketplace.

Our strength lies in the features that we offer our valued clientele concerning this application process.

Let us help you strategize about the best product line approach to get outstanding results.

Our team have experience and expertise at helping you modify, correct, and finalize your application for these contracts.

The critical tactics we supply increase your chances of success.

These are all outstanding advantages when you are working through a grant application towards a successful outcome.  We collaborate with you as you fill out your application, streamlining the process towards a successful completion.

Priority Areas

These are areas the government will be focusing their efforts and include:


Clean Technology

Safety and Security

Digital and Technology Solutions


Government Contracts

Our priority is matching innovation with government contracts, so your business succeeds and gets to the next level. Our team will guide you through the entire application process, going through it question by question. Your answers will flow, be comprehensive and insightful.

If your organization is interested in SolutionXplus expertise to help you with the Testing Stream or Horizon Europe application today, get in touch with us today to start a discussion.


© Solution XPlus 2021